Are You Forgiven?

When I pray, my natural tendancy is to ask God to forgive my sins, before I do anything else. I usually do a quick inventory to see if there is anything I have not asked him to forgive and sometimes bring up things I have asked him to forgive, but still am ashamed of.  How come I pray this way? Why do this first?

There seems to be part of me that believes that God will not hear me if there is sin in my life. I think most Christians would say that is true. Are there faulty teachings and beliefs that hinder my relationship with God? I don’t know if I agree with asking God to forgive me before I can be effective in praying and this is why.

Jesus taught His disciples to pray and this is what he said. Image of Jesus praying the Lord's Prayer

Mat 6:9 In this manner, therefore, pray:

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10 Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
13 And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

I don’t think he was teaching them a prayer to repeat; although there is certainly nothing wrong with that. He was showing us what to include in our prayers and possibly the priorities or pattern we could use.

I notice that he doesn’t even get to asking for forgiveness until he is almost to the end. And when he does, he makes sure we are asking to be forgiven in the same manner we forgive others. He even reiterates that we will not be forgiven if we do not forgive.

Here are some thoughts:

  • We were forgiven when we believed God, repented, and accepted the fact of Jesus’ blood being shed for us cleansed us from all sins.
  • There is no need to keep getting forgiven over and over, to be clean enough for God to hear my prayers.
  • God is more concerned about our relationship with Him as our father, the advancement of His kingdom, our daily needs; than our dealing with our ongoing failures.
  • In dealing with our shortcomings he demands us to show the same forgiveness to others that we want from him. He will only give us the release of our debts in the same proportions we do to others.
  • Our sin, after salvation, does not hinder us from having relationship with God in the same manner that you do not become less of a child of your parents when you do bad things.
  • Since we have been given righteousness as a gift from God (that we do not deserve) and is a one time deal, could this ongoing forgiveness we seek have more to do with releasing us to live the life of blessing God wants us to have now?

In closing, I think we need to receive God’s forgiveness, once and for all. Stop groveling at his feet and lift up our heads and have a relationship with the God who loves us. We need to treat others right and extend to them the same type of forgiveness that we are offered by God. Find out what is important to God and focus on doing that.



  • It starts small and grows to be large; compared to a plant or tree. Trees only get larger they do not grow bigger then get smaller, they steady get bigger. (Lk 19:18,19)
  • There is a time for the invitation to come in. Compared to a supper. Those invited did not come; so He sends out his servants to bring in the disabled and poor from the streets and bushes. Wants his kingdom full; so there seems to be a certain number that constitutes full? People need to be compelled to come.  (Lk 14:15-24)
  • It is an age or a time. The Law and Prophets were until it started (John the Baptizer); since that time it is preached. Kingdom being preached seems to be the overwhelming way people find it. (Lk 16:15,16)
  • You cannot see it or observe it’s coming. So it is not Jesus’ second coming. It will not appear and it is not a place. It is within or among people.  (Lk 17:20,21)
  • Kingdom was taken away from those who killed the son and given to a nation who would bear fruit of it. (Mat 21:42-44)
  • The kingdom is like a seed that starts out small and grow larger and becomes greater than the other plants in the garden. It doesn’t get bigger then smaller, it keeps growing bigger.  (Mk 4:31, 32) Compare to Is 9:7 “Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no ending time, forever.” (It is getting bigger and bigger). (Lk 1:33)
  • The kingdom would come with power during the lifetime of those hearing Jesus’ talk about it. (Mk 9:1) (Lk 9:27,28)
  • God establishes his kingdom and it starts small, crushing the other kingdoms and grows to consume them all. This kingdom will never end. (Stone BECOMES a mountain) (Dan 2:34,35,44)
  • Jesus will deliver the kingdom to his Father after he has put all under his authority and puts an end to all other types of rule.( 1 Cor 15:24)
  • When the accuser is cast down, salvation, strength, power and the kingdom have come. (Rev 12:10)
  • It appears that 50% of those invited or projected to be there, did not do what it takes to be ready when it was time to enter.  Also seem to be speaking of the return of Jesus. (Mat 25:1-13)
  • The king goes away, but comes back and holds those he entrusted accountable; rewarding and punishing. (Mat 25:14-42)
  • Jesus is coming back and is going to sit on his throne (on the earth) and his angels are going to help him sort out the good from the bad. (Mat 25:31-42, Mat 13:49,50)
  • The kingdom started with John the Baptist and it suffered violent attack and those who great zeal and commitment took the kingdom by force. (Mat 11:13)
  • There were those alive during the time of Jesus that would see Jesus come into his kingdom before they died. (Mat 16:28)
  • Jesus will sit on the throne of David. (Lk 1:32)
  • Jesus is going away and will return sometime after he receives His kingdom. (Lk 19:11)



  • It includes and is made up of people from everywhere. (Lk 13:29)
  • There is a time for the invitation to come in. Compared to a supper. Those invited did not come; so He sends out his servants to bring in the disabled and poor from the streets and bushes. Wants his kingdom full; so there seems to be a certain number that constitutes full? People need to be compelled to come.  (Lk 14:15-24)
  • Everyone is pressing into it. Seems to come with some type of effort or difficulty to get in. (Lk 16:16)
  • The kingdom can be both received and entered. Little children or those like, make up the kingdom and it must be received like a child to enter it. (Lk 18:16, 17)
  • It is hard for the rich to enter it. You can give up or leave things for the kingdom and if you do you will get more than you gave in this life and get eternal life.  (Lk 18:25-30)
  • It is not what you have done in the past that keeps you out. Obeying at some point gets you in. If you do not repent and obey, you will be kept out. (Mat 21:28-41)
  • Kingdom was taken away from those who killed the son and given to a nation who would bear fruit of it. (Mat 21:42-44)
  • It is a mystery. Those outside of it will not understand it. If those outside will turn, they will have sins forgiven, (turning seems to mean turning away from their sins.)  Once sins are forgiven, they are in and the mystery of the kingdom is revealed. (Mk 4:11)
  • The kingdom is made up of people who would receive it as a child would. You must receive it like a child would. (Mk 10:14)
  • Trusting in riches make it hard if not impossible to enter the kingdom. (Mk 10:24)
  • The poor (lowly and afflicted) are blessed because the kingdom is theirs. (Lk 6:20)
  • The least is the greatest. (Lk 7:28)
  • The teachings of the kingdom are mysteries to those on the outside, but revealed to those who are His disciples. (Lk 8:10)
  • If you look back you are not fit for the kingdom. (Lk 9:62)
  • It can come near a city or area and the city can receive or reject it. If it is rejected there is some type of judgment put on the city.  (Lk 10:9-12)
  • Can’t see it without being born again. Can’t enter unless you are born of water and the Spirit. (John 3:3-5)
  • Must go through many tribulations to enter the kingdom. Suffering for it is expected. (Acts 14:22)(2 Thes 1:4, 5)
  • People who live in certain types or actions or lifestyles will not inherit it. It can be inherited. (1 Cor 6:10, Ga 5:21)
  • The poor can be rich in faith, thus inheriting the kingdom. (James 2:5)
  • It appears that 50% of those invited or projected to be there, did not do what it takes to be ready when it was time to enter.  Also seem to be speaking of the return of Jesus. (Mat 25:1-13)
  • For those who increased what God gave to them, he is going to give more. He will also take it away from those who don’t. (Mat 25:14-30)
  • God rewards those who took care of people who could not take care of themselves. He punishes those who do not.  (Mat 25:31-41)
  • There is need for repentance because of the kingdom coming. (Mat 3:2, 4:17)
  • Poor in spirit (humble); the kingdom is theirs. (Mat 5:3)
  • Those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness; the kingdom is theirs. (Mat 5:10)
  • Those teaching the commandments are great; those who teach otherwise and break them are the least in the kingdom. (Mat 5:19)
  • Doing God’s will establishes entry into His Kingdom, not just acknowledging his lordship. Even moving in His power does not mean you have or will enter it. You can’t do lawless things and be in the kingdom (Mat 7:21-23)
  • The kingdom started with John the Baptist and it suffered violent attack and those who great zeal and commitment took the kingdom by force. (Mat 11:13)
  • The kingdom is to be valued above all and you need to do what it takes to obtain it; at all cost. (Mat 13:44-50)
  • Those invited to come, made excuses and did not come. (Mat 22:2,3)
  • Those who are attempting to enter in can be hindered or stopped by the pressure or teaching of others. (Mat 23:13)
  • God has expectations on how you live your life if you are in his kingdom. (1 Thes 2:12)
  • God has chosen the poor to be heirs of his kingdom. (James 2:5)
  • Be diligent so your entrance into the kingdom will be sure. So it seems that those who are not are on shaky ground. (2 Peter 1:11)
  • Those who endure will receive a kingdom, like the one Jesus received; part of His. (Lk 22:28-30)