How The Kingdom of God Works

  • It starts small and grows to be large; compared to a plant or tree. Trees only get larger they do not grow bigger then get smaller, they steady get bigger. (Lk 19:18,19)
  • It is mixed into something and it effects every part of the thing it is mixed into. Compared to leaven. (Lk 19:20,21)
  • The kingdom can be both received and entered. Little children or those like, make up the kingdom and it must be received like a child to enter it. (Lk 18:16, 17)
  • You can reason and persuade people about the things of the kingdom. There are many things (parts? dynamic? characteristics? rules? laws? ways?) of the Kingdom. It must be different than the common way of living.  (Acts 19:8)
  • Jesus encouraged us not to worry about the things we need; but to seek the Kingdom and righteousness and you would have them. What is seeking kingdom? Jesus taught about the kingdom so part of seeking it would be to know the principles and laws of this kingdom and do them. (Mat 6:24-34)
  • Hidden things are meant to be revealed and secrets come to light. (Mk 4:22)
  • The more you hear the more you will hear. (Mk 4:24,25)
  • The kingdom is like a seed that grows and yields a crop without its own effort. (Mk 4:26-28)
  • The kingdom is like a seed that starts out small and grow larger and becomes greater than the other plants in the garden. It doesn’t get bigger than smaller it keeps growing bigger.  (Mk 4:31, 32) compare to Is 9:7 “Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no ending time, forever.” (It is getting bigger and bigger). (Lk 1:33)
  • The kingdom is made up of people who would receive it as a child would. You must receive it like a child would. (Mk 10:14)
  • The poor (lowly and afflicted) are blessed because the kingdom is theirs. (Lk 6:20)
  • The least is the greatest. (Lk 7:28)
  • The teachings of the kingdom are mysteries to those on the outside, but revealed to those who are His disciples. (Lk 8:10)
  • Having a noble and good heart causes bearing fruit in the Kingdom. (Lk 8:15)
  • Jesus sent others out to preach the kingdom and they had the sick be healed while preaching it. (Lk 9:1-3)
  • Jesus told others to preach it and they did. (Lk 9:60, Acts 28:23,30,31)
  • Healing the sick came with teaching or preaching about the kingdom. (Lk 10:9, Mat 9:35)
  • If you seek the Kingdom all the things you need in life will be provided to you. (Lk 12:22-37)
  • If you give to the poor, there is treasure set aside in the heavens that cannot be stolen or diminished. (I believe that it is distributed to us now and maybe later as well.)   (Lk 12:33)
  • The kingdom is not rules and rituals, but righteousness (actions), peace (state of existence) and joy (somehow connected to the Holy Spirit.) (Rom 14:17)
  • The poor can be rich in faith, thus inheriting the kingdom. (James 2:5)
  • It appears that 50% of those invited or projected to be there, did not do what it takes to be ready when it was time to enter.  Also seem to be speaking of the return of Jesus. (Mat 25:1-13)
  • His servants are given different amounts of resources to be responsible for and are held accountable to put them to work. Those who are faithful are given responsibility to rule over many things and have joy. Those who were not increase what was given to them are cast out and have regret and anguish. (Mat 25:14-30)
  • The king goes away, but comes back and holds those he entrusted accountable; rewarding and punishing. (Mat 25:14-42)
  • For those who increased what God gave to them, he is going to give more. He will also take it away from those who don’t. (Mat 25:14-30)
  • God rewards those who took care of people who could not take care of themselves. He punishes those who do not.  (Mat 25:31-41)
  • Poor in spirit (humble); the kingdom is theirs. (Mat 5:3)
  • Those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness; the kingdom is theirs. (Mat 5:10)
  • Those teaching the commandments are great; those who teach otherwise and break them are the least in the kingdom. (Mat 5:19)
  • In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught his disciple to pray for God’s kingdom to come, thy will be done. God’s will being done establishes His kingdom on the earth. (Mat 6:10, Lk 11:2)
  • Doing God’s will establishes entry into His Kingdom, not just acknowledging his lordship. Even moving in His power does not mean you have or will enter it. You can’t do lawless things and be in the kingdom (Mat 7:21-23)
  • The kingdom started with John the Baptist and it suffered violent attack and those who great zeal and commitment took the kingdom by force. (Mat 11:13)
  • Humbling yourself makes you great. (Mat 18:4)
  • God can forgive all; but holds us accountable to do likewise or we will be tormented. (Mat 18: 23-35)
  • Those invited to come, made excuses and did not come. (Mat 22:2,3)
  • Those who are attempting to enter in can be hindered or stopped by the pressure or teaching of others. (Mat 23:13)
  • The kingdom belongs to the Father (God.) (Mat 6:13)
  • His kingdom is not from this world. It does not say it is not coming to this world. (Jn 18:36)
  • God has chosen the poor to be heirs of his kingdom. (James 2:5)
  • Be diligent so your entrance into the kingdom will be sure. So it seems that those who are not are on shaky ground. (2 Peter 1:11)
  • Those who endure will receive a kingdom, like the one Jesus received; part of His. (Lk 22:28-30)




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